Pilates premium Place

The fundamentals of Pilates are the same as in golf: we look at balance, flexibility, strength and proper alignment. Improved posture and body awareness are two of the most important benefits of Pilates training and are very beneficial to the golfer.
Golf is definitely an athletic endeavor, building muscle, strength, stability and flexibility in the lower and upper body can help golfers with a stable efficient golf swing. An important physical factor in the golf swing is the ability to rotate the upper body around a stable lower body.
Before your first lesson, we test where your weak points are. Is it torso rotation, reduced mobility or strength in the upper body? Or is it poor pelvic stabilization and strength in the lower body? We call this test the Torso Rotation test.
The Reformer is an excellent tool to tackle both points in a controlled manner.
These lessons can be booked as private, duo training or in a group of max 6 people. Mail to info@pilatespremiumplace.nl and ask about the possibilities.