Pilates premium Place

Would you prefer personal attention, or do you have too many complaints to participate in a group lesson? Then it is recommended to follow specific pregnancy pilates private training. The Pilates equipment is used here, which gives the training more possibilities and options.
What changes during your pregnancy?
The hormones that accompany pregnancy cause ligaments (bands of connective tissue), capsules and, for example, the muscles of your lower back to become more flexible and therefore less stable. This increase in mobility is necessary to make room for your baby and is useful during your delivery. Your body weight also increases, which changes and aggravates your posture and the strain on your muscles and joints. All these changes often cause physical complaints such as pelvic pain, back pain and fatigue. These physical changes cannot be prevented and are part of being pregnant. However, you can strengthen muscle groups that are necessary to provide support for carrying your baby and to prevent and combat any complaints mentioned. It is advisable to start exercises in time to develop or maintain muscle strength and to ensure your general fitness. Always consult your midwife or GP in advance to see whether it is wise to do physical exercise such as pregnancy pilates in your condition.