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Pilates premium Place

In short

The power of Pilates

Pilates was developed in the early 20th century by the legendary Joseph H. Pilates. It is a form of exercise aimed at stretching, strengthening and balancing your entire body, supported by a correct breathing pattern. Pilates has a positive effect on both the body and the mind. Once you start to feel the benefits, you will not want to do without it. You will notice how the benefits work through in daily life.

Each exercise is built from the ‘Powerhouse’, or the deep abdominal muscles, back muscles, inner thigh and gluteal muscles. All exercises are performed on an exercise mat or on special equipment. The result: a powerful, flexible body and streamlined muscles! Overloaded muscles are relieved and neglected muscles are reactivated and strengthened, which results in a better posture.

working formula

The 6 principles

Train with full focus, concentration, and dedication to get the maximum value and result from each exercise.
Bring physical concentration to the center of the body and direct the exercises with the right energy from the center of strength, also known as the ‘Powerhouse’.
Each Pilates exercise must be performed with control, and every part of the body has its own specific function.
In Pilates, awareness is maintained in every movement. There is precise alignment of the joints in relation to each other, with the right balance between all muscles as a whole.
During the training, the exercises are seamlessly linked together. The fluidity and grace of the movements create energy that flows effortlessly through the body.
Joseph Pilates placed great emphasis on correct breathing to increase lung capacity and reintegrate it into the exercises.

This is what you do it for

The results

Pilates is an effective way to improve your body’s strength, flexibility and coordination. By focusing on your breathing, you will not only feel energetic, but you will also work on a flat stomach, a supple back and flexible joints. Your muscles will be in balance, which will make your body naturally beautiful and you will feel taller and lighter. In addition, Pilates increases your body awareness, improves your posture and helps you to relax more easily.
Pilates is an effective way to improve your body’s strength, flexibility and coordination. By focusing on your breathing, you will not only feel energetic, but you will also work on a flat stomach, a supple back and flexible joints. Your muscles will be in balance, which will make your body naturally beautiful and you will feel taller and lighter. In addition, Pilates increases your body awareness, improves your posture and helps you to relax more easily.
Physical benefits
Improved body control
Better posture
Powerful muscles
Greater flexibility
Deep, healthy breathing
More energy
Resolves imbalances in the body
Balanced muscle development
Mental benefits
Improves concentration
Develops willpower
Reduces stress
Promotes mood
More self-confidence